Review of Support for the Legitimacy of Rational Novel Ways of Conduct

Document Type : Research Paper



It is clear that there is no specific reason for many newly-happened occurrences in the Quran and hadiths and a jurisprudent is obliged to return to such arguments as rational way of conduct, based on which the legal injunctions of such occurrences will be decided. Rational way of conduct will be a proof if it has been formed during infallible Imams’ presence, so that its conclusion from Holy Lawgiver’s view can be proved. However, those existing rational ways of conduct which are known as newly-happened ways of conduct will face with the problem of proving their authority. The present paper seeks to understand Lawgiver’s approval or disapproval of these ways of conduct. In this regard, it cites six proofs in the noble verses of the Quran, Sunna (way of conduct) and rational analysis.



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