A Moral Code of Conduct in Sciences: It's Essence, Argument and Method of Preparation

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Corresponding author, retired professor of Allamah Tabatabaii University

2 Assistant professor of assessment and measurement, Shahid Beheshti University


Despite great progresses in Iran, there are very few works on the making and formulation of moral codes of conduct. As a result, moral conflicts in social and scientific activities have turned into a serious pathology in society. Since many specialists have been concerned about providing moral codes based on Islamic-Iranian culture in recent years, it is necessary to compile the regulations and method of formulation of these codes of conduct. The present paper was written with the aim of compiling a method of formulation for these codes of conduct. Findings show that the formation of codes of conduct has six stages which are as follows: 1. Finding  cases which need moral decisions; 2. Specifying those in charge who need moral codes; 3. Recognizing moral challenges in that science; 4. Determining moral principles; 5. Specifying a fundamental approach in Ethics; and (6) Formulating a moral code of conduct in that science. Of course, it should be noted that some considerations have been proposed regarding the pre-preparation of the code of conduct and also for its utilization.[1]
[1]. The paper has been extracted from a project entitled "methodology of formulating moral code of conduct

in sciences" codified as 941060 " for the Foundation for Supporting Researchers and Technologists of the country", Presidency of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Vice Presidency for Science and Technology.


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-   تمامی آدرس‌های اینترنتی ذیل در تاریخ 31 اردیبهشت 96 بازیابی شده‌اند:
Some Codes of Ethics for sciences
Guidelines and Codes of Ethics for those in the Natural Sciences:
-   American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Code of Ethics
-   American Association of University Professors, Statement on Professional Ethics
-   American College of Forensic Examiners International, Principles of Professional Practice
-   American Chemical Society, The Chemist’s Code of Conduct
-   American Institute of Chemists, Code of Ethics
-   American Institute of Professional Geologists, Code of Ethics (select “ethics” from “Select and Go!” box at top)
-   American Mathematical Society, Ethical Guidelines
-   American Physical Society, Ethics and Values Statements
-   American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Code of Ethics
-   American Society for Information Science and Technology, Professional Guidelines
-   American Statistical Association, Ethical Guidelines for Statistical Practice
-   Association for Computing Machinery, Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct
-   Ecological Society of America, Code of Ethics
-   Software Engineering Code of Ethics and Professional Practice (Version 5. 2), ACM/IEEE-CS Joint Task Force
-   More codes of ethics can be found at the Codes of Ethics Online site of the Center for the Study of Ethics in the Professions at the Illinois Institute of Technology