Providence of God in Avicenna’s point of view

Document Type : Research Paper



The fundamental concept of divine Wisdom grew out of deep discussions
on God's Knowledge and it can be properly analyzed when related
arguments about the purpose, agency and Providence of God are also
treated and truly understood. Of Islamic Philosophers, Avicenna was the
first to give a conceptual clarification of the divine Wisdom and explain its
constituent elements. In analyzing and scrutinizing this concept, he refers
to three components of knowledge, efficacy and pleasure contained in the
notion of divine Wisdom. In order to explain the Wisdom of God,
however, Ibn Sina appeals to other propositions in terms of his
philosophical system including "the principle that the higher being does
not care about the lower, " providential agency of Necessary Being,
Knowledge by providence, act of knowledge by Necessary Being, order of
causes and effects, essential goodness of Being.


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