The Meaning of Life according to Tabtabei’s Viewpoint

Document Type : Research Paper



Most of philosophers who studied the “meaning of life” philosophically
regarded it as the “goal of life”. Given that God and his actions are right and
true, Tabatabaei considered God to be purposeful in creating man. Therefore
the creation of man is not vain and for fun but is targeted toward a certain
goal. Man was born without any choice, but he is free to continue his life.
Hence he must find out his goal and ideal. Whereas all things met with human
life such as fellowman, nature, other worlds and the futures are under God’s
providence and lordship, it is reasonable and beneficial for man to act upon
God’s advises in choosing his goal. Doing so, man will be helped by all
aforementioned things to approach his ideal and will be satisfied with his life.
Otherwise we will be in contrast to the general trend of creation and thus our
lives become very hard and finally he will be defeated by them and pass a
wretched life. The final ideal of man in his life must be the achievement of
real and pleasant life, an ideal which all prophets have invited us to reach to.


  1. قرآن کریم.
  2. صحیفه سجادیه، 1354، ترجمه و شرح عمادالدین حسین اصفهانی، آزاده، چاپ چهارم.
  3. طباطبایی، محمدحسین، 1393، المیزان، اسماعیلیان، ج. 3، 6، 7، 8، 9، 12، 14، 16، 19، 20.
  4. مطهری، مرتضی، 1375، مجموعه آثار، قم، صدرا، ج3 و 4.
  5. دژآباد، حامد؛ فارسی نژاد، علیرضا، 1388، «فلسفه آفرینش انسان و جهان از دیدگاه قرآن»، در: فصلنامه اندیشه دینی، ش30.