Religious Science; From Possibility to Realization

Document Type : Research Paper



The process of religious science genesis could be realized in the way that the metaphysical support derived from the religious thoughts are applied in different stages of scientific practice; In other words, when the metaphysic subjects could reveal their effectiveness in stages such as the choice of problem, selection of concepts and patterns of understanding the problem, project outline, observation, prediction and interpretation, one could say that a particular process has been made the product of which are sciences proportionate to religious ideas.
Therefore, the monotheistic thought of the researcher and his particular attitude toward the existence affect his ongoing research and its results. Definitely, a monotheist researcher regards the world as unitary one and considers the nature of the creatures as those that "came from Him" and "go toward Him". In such view, regarding the concepts of human and his material and worldly needs, the scientific orientation would be in line with the way in which the human being is going to achieve the perfection and the divine esteem.
In religious texts and in Imams' character sketch, one could also observe the encouragement to do scientific investigations; in such texts, one could simply find appropriate research approaches, the ways of applying the obtained results to  reinforcement of monotheistic insights (faith increase), and rectifying life style and manner of treating the nature and creatures (good deeds). The Alchemy of Jaber bin Hayyan is an objective sample of religious knowledge which is formed in the history of Islamic civilization; scientific method, purpose, hypothesis making, and interpretation of such science were influenced by religious ideas


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––––––––––– ، 1348، معارف اسلامی در جهان معاصر، تهران، شرکت سهامی کتاب‌های