Mulla Sadra’s Theory of Substantial Motion

Document Type : Research Paper


1 * Assistant Professor at University of Tarbiat Moallem

2 ** Assistant Professor at University of Kashan



 One of the most important philosophical theories of Mulla Sadra is substantial motion, which has greatly influenced other philosophical discussions. In this article, first we refer to the historical background of the theory before Mulla Sadra, namely in Peripatetic Philosophy, and then deal with Mulla Sadra’s innovations, such as transferring the discussion of motion from natural philosophy to metaphysics, explaining clearly substantial motion, stating the five important arguments for the theory, and finally showing its main philosophical results like the explanation of God’s creation, the reality of time, origination of the material world, the relation of the originated to pre-eternal being, the unity of the world, and proving God’s existence and the Resurrection.

[1]. We are greatly indebted to Dr Fazel Asadi for editing this article.


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