A Comparative Study of Time in the Philosophy of Saint Augustine and Sadr-al-Moteallehin

Document Type : Research Paper



In this article we consider the subject of time from Saint Augustine and Sadr-al-Moteallehin’s viewpoints and compare them. Augustine does not consider the time as an external and objective fact, but regards it as a mental entity;   however it is not separated from objective entities and is interpreted in terms of change and movement and the events which occur in the past and future.
Based on the principles of transcendent philosophy particularly his special viewpoint on substantial motion and existentiality, priority of existence to essence, Sadr-al-Motealelhin regards time as the fourth dimension of matter and considers it
as the sign and the way of fluid's existence. In other words, he considers the time as the analytical accident that intellect can drive it from the way of the existence of material bodies and entities. 


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