The Function of Reason in Knowledge from Majlesi’s Viewpoint

Document Type : Research Paper



Among the major current discussions is the discussion about the status of reason in
cognition, the scope of its validity in the acquisition of religious doctrines and rules,
negatively or affirmatively. In certain stage of Islamic thought history, such a
concept came to be a criterion in acceptance or rejection of thoughts and ideas. It is
said that the validity of reason was rejected by Hadith scholars, among whom is
Allameh Majlesi, and as a result, the emphasis was focused upon the Infallible’s
words and traditions. The present essay is going to analyze Allameh Majlesi’s
words, which is claimed that they indicate denial of the validity of reason. In the
light of such an analysis, it makes clear the role of reason in the acquisition of
knowledge as well as the value of rational judgments.


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