A Review of the Relationship between Wasi (Trustee) and Imam in Isma'iliyyah (Seveners) and Ithna Ashariyyah (Twelvers) Schools

Document Type : Research Paper



Isma'iliyyah and Ithna Ashariyah are two Shi'ite schools, with many similarities and differences on different matters such as Holy Prophet's successor and trustee. Both schools believe that holy Prophet of Islam (May the blessing and peace of Allah be upon him and his progeny) has clearly appointed his successor. Their difference on this point, however, is that Imamiyyah regards Imam and trustee as the same person (that is the principle of executorship (Wesayat) is the same as the principle of Imamate), while Isma'iliyyah regards and studies them separately. Isma'iliyyah holds that the position of executorship is specific to Ali Ibn Abitalib (peace be upon him) who is Imam and was the rational Holy Prophet's companion and confident during his lifetime. After the trustee, there comes the position of Imams. According to some Isma'iliyyah scholars, Imam Hassan is the first Imam and Ismail Ibn Sadiq is the sixth one. Except for Ali Ibn Abi Talib who is considered as the trustee in both schools, other Imams from Imam Hassan onward are not endowed with the position of the Wesayat, in Isma'iliyyah school. The present paper proves the very distinction between the position of Imamate and Wesayat through providing some evidence from the works of Ismaili theologians and other researchers.
Mahdi Dashtbozorgi[1], Ahmad Lohrasbi[2]

[1] . Assistant professor of department of religions and philosophy, Kashan University

[2] . PhD student of Shahid Motahhari University, Tehran



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