Doctrine of "I believe so that I may understand",

Document Type : Research Paper



Augustine's epistemological perspective is one of those viewpoints which emphasize on the serious effect of non-epistemic factors on knowledge. Investigation into Augustine's thought, especially in the realm of epistemology, can show that he is among those thinkers who has scrutinized the impact of man's feelings, affections and purposes on his beliefs. The paper is going to analyze the doctrine of "I believe so that I may understand" in Augustine's thought.


  1. آگوستین، قدیس، اعترافات قدیس آگوستین، ترجمة سایه میثمی، تهران، دفتر نشر و پژوهش سهروردی، 1379.
  2. پورسینا، زهرا (میترا)، تأثیر گناه بر معرفت، با تکیه بر آراء آگوستین قدیس، قم، پژوهشگاه علوم و فرهنگ اسلامی، 1385.
    1. Augustine, Saint, On the Morals of the Catholic Church (De Moribus Ecclesiae Catholicae), translated by R. Stothert, in Basic Writings of Saint Augustine, ed. By Whitney J. Oates, V. 1, Random House Publishers, New York, 1948. (= Mor. of Cath. Chu.)
    2. ـــــــــــــــ , On the Spirit and the Letter (De Spiritu et Littera), translated  by P. Holmes, in Basic Writings of Saint Augustine, ed. by Whitney J. Oates, V. 1, Random House Publisher, New York, 1948. (= On S. & L.)
    3. ـــــــــــــــ , The Trinity (De Trinitate), in The Fathers of the Church, V. 45, translated by Stephen McKenna, C. SS. R., The Catholic University of America Press, Washington 17, D. C., 1963 (= Trin.).
    4. Bourke, Vernon J., The Essential Augustine, Hackett Publishing Company, Fourth Printing, 1983. (= Ess. Aug.)
    5. Burnaby, John (translator), The Library of Christian Classics, V. 8 : Augustine : Later Works, selected and translated with introductions by John Burnaby, SCM Press, LTD, London, 1955. (= A. L. W.)
    6. Cushman, Robert, “Faith and Reason”, in A Companion to the Study of St.Augustine, ed. by Roy W. Battenhouse, Oxford University Press, New York, 1955. (= Com to Aug.)
    7. Fitzgerald, Allan D. (ed.), Augustine through the Ages, An Encyclopedia, O. S. A., 1999. (= Aug. th. Ages)
    8. Gilson, Ettiene, The Christian Philosophy of Saint Augustine, translated by L. E. M. Lynch, Random House, New York, 1960. (= Ch. Ph. of Aug.)
    9. Lewis, Gordon Russell, Faith and Reason in the Thought of St. Augustine, Unpublished Ph. D. Dissertation, Syracuse University, 1959. (= F. & R. inAug.)
    10. Nash, Ronald H., The Light of the Mind : St. Augusitne’s Theory of Knowledge, The University Press of Kentuchy, 1969. (= Light of Mind)
    11. Radhakrishnan, S., M. A., Essentials of Psychology, Oxford University Press, 1988. (= Ess. of Psy.)
    12. Richardson, Alan, Christian Apologetics, D. D., SCM Press LTD, London, Fifth Printing, 1955. (= Ch. Ap.)
    13. Rist, John M., Augustine : Ancient Thought of Baptized, Cambridge University Press, 1997. (= A : A. T. B.)
    14. Rist, John, “Faith and Reason”, in The Cambridge Companion to St. Augustine, ed. by Eleonore Stump and Norman Kretzman, Cambridge University Press, 2001. (= Cam. Com to Aug.)
    15. Wainwright, William J., Reason and the Heart, A Prolegomenon to a Critique of Passional Reason, Cornell University Press, Ithaca and London, 1995. (= R. & H.)