Origin and End of Man in the Light of Mulla Sadra’s Substantial Motion

Document Type : Research Paper




he significance of Mulla Sadra’s philosophical viewpoint is that the material world, specifically materiality, is considered as man’s ground of creation and process of evolution towards pure spirituality.  Since the entire world on the basis of substantial motion doctrine possesses a gradual movement from materiality to complete incorporeity, man’s soul too possesses such substantial motion. Thus the assumptions of the paper are as follows: Firstly, substantial motion is a gradual, perpetual motion permeating the entire cosmos with its substances and accidents. Secondly, man’s soul is corporeal in origination and spiritual in perpetuation, for according to Mulla Sadra’s doctrine man in the outset of creation is a corporeal existent and does not have a soul. The soul can go through the stages of perfection and achieve abstraction from materiality only in the case of living an earthly life. This paper seeks to elaborate whatness and nature of evolution in matter and body as well as its transformation into complete abstraction which is the objective of creation, and which encompasses man too.


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