The effect of religious worldview on metaphysical principles governing science

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor, Department of Islamic Studies and Research Centre of Quran, Hadith, and Medicine, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Iran

2 Distinguished Professor, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran


Abrahamic faiths, which are among the divine revelations, consider science to be the knowledge of the universe and humans. The proper understanding of science is the study of the natural world through the lens of religious metaphysics which takes into account all relevant factors from a religious viewpoint.
This study aims to survey the effect of religious worldview on the metaphysical principles that govern science, and deals with the following questions:
1-What effect do religious metaphysical foundations have on the interpretation of scientific theories?
2-How scientific work, in the light of the divine worldview, ensures the material and spiritual needs of mankind?
3-Is experimental science influenced by religious and philosophical values and insights?
4-Are various human and natural sciences far from value judgments?
In this paper, we use the fact that all scientific theories are based on some metaphysical assumptions which are not taken from these sciences but are rooted in philosophies or religions, and provide a worldview for the scientist . Furthermore, these worldviews affect scientists’ motivations and their choices of theories.
We argue that the worldview of monotheistic religions puts the totality of scientific issues in the context of religious metaphysics.


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