Avicenna and madness

Document Type : Research Paper


1 philosophy, yasouj university

2 Shahed University faculty member,



Madness as a medical, social, literary and philosophical problem has always been considered. Avicenna, as a physician-philosopher, has investigated and analyzed this issue in two medical (physical) and philosophical (metaphysical) fields. In the framework of medical science, based on the functioning mechanism of human temperament, it analyzes why madness occurs. Temperament disorders are the starting point of Avicenna's philosophical explanation of melancholic illusions. Temperament disorder leads to a disorder in the functioning of steamy soul, and this leads to a disorder in the relationship between the soul (intellectual faculty) and the body. Through this disorder, a disconnection is created between the mental images of the mad person and reality; Because the faculty of imagination as the generator of imaginary forms and common sense as the home/seat of perceptible and imaginary forms, due to the disconnection or weakening of their connection with the rational faculty, deprives the mad person of this possibility to separate the illusory forms from the real ones. The treatments that Avicenna suggests for the recovery of Madness should be justified in the same direction, i.e. strengthening the connection between the rational soul and the body


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