Conceptual Argument on God’s Existence According to Anselm and Isfahānī

Document Type : Research Paper



Conceptual Arguments are among numerous attempts made to prove the existence of God. In this method, some thinkers has sought to prove the reality of God from a mental concept such as the concept of a Necessary Being, or a being than which nothing more perfect can be conceived, or a being than which nothing greater can be thought. Conceptual argument, which is a priori one, was first offered in the western by eleventh century theologian and archbishop of Canterbury St Anselm (1033-1109), and it became known as the ontological argument from Immanuel Kant’s time.  The presentation of such an argument has raised different criticisms, the most significant of which is confusion between “primary predication” and “common predication”, which has indicated by the Islamic thinkers. However, among the Islamic philosophers it was al-Farabi who first represented the conceptual argument. Yet, the most compendious and the firmest version of the argument has been formulated by the late Muhaqqiq Isfahānī Known as Kumpānī. Explaining his argument, the author compares it with Anselm’s version and responses to some of the objections to Isfahānī’s version.



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