A Glance at Mutahari’s Theoretical Challenges To ‘Allāmah Tabātabā’ī’s Philosophical Opinions

Document Type : Research Paper



Morteza Mutahari is well-known as the exponent of ‘Allamah Tabātabā’ī’s viewpoints; however, reflecting on his works, one can find different aspects of his personal understandings, some of which are in contrast to ‘Allāmah Tabātabā’ī’s views. The present article seeks to figure out some challenges of these two thinkers in the field of philosophical discussions. Some of the challenges are concerned with: mediating movement, necessity of subject in motion, motion by subordination, motion and evolution, motion and conflict, bearer of potentiality, essential contingency, ontological argument, divine wisdom, purposefulness of creation, employment principle, universality of moral judgments, immortality of moral judgments, and necessity of community .


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