A Reflection upon the Value of Knowledge According to the Viewpoint of `Allāmah Tabātabā’ī

Document Type : Research Paper



Among the most complex philosophical issues is the value of knowledge, which determines the destiny of many other philosophical problems. In this regard, there are some serious questions such as, how much is the validity of human beings’ knowledge, how and in what is the veridicality of knowledge?
Among the contemporary philosophers, `Allāmah Tabātabā’ī has examined this important with further scrutiny and presented valuable discussions; referring all the acquired knowledge to the presential knowledge and considering the presential knowledge as basic, he firstly adopted a new approach in this domain and secondly attained an explanation of the errors of the senses. The present essay, analyzing `Allāmah Tabātabā’ī’s viewpoint on the value of knowledge, and emphasizing a number of its features, is going to present a more coherent assertion of it, possessing the least difficulties in regard to the veridicality of knowledge.


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