Aristotle’s Expressions of Contradiction Principle

Document Type : Research Paper



Principle of Contradiction has of high importance in philosophy. Aristotle calls this principle “First of the First” and has discussed it in some of his works, particularly in the Metaphysics. In the beginning of his discussions on this principle, he has attempted to define it. The present article shows that Firstly, the definitions of this principle have not the same components. Secondly, they have prerequisites which are inconsistent with Aristotle’s other opinions on the problem of “negation” and the theory of the “number of the parts of a proposition” and so on. Thirdly, Aristotle’s expression of contradiction principle is not a “statement” indicating a definition, because it consist neither of all unities nor of all differences logically valid in contradictory propositions; in fact, his expression is a “pseudo-statement” which may not be considered as a proper literal definition.


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