Two Readings of the Gospel

Document Type : Research Paper



According to the Holy Koran, the Gospel is a revealed book containing God’s guidance, message, and commandments sent down to the Prophet Jesus (Peace be upon him) to be proclaimed to the people. On the contrary, Christians basically reject this conception and believe that no revealed book was handed down from heaven to Jesus, as was the case in Judaism and Islam concerning the Torah and the Koran; so there is no place for such a view in Christian theology. In the view of the Christians, the truth of the Gospel has been rooted in it's good news of salvation resulted from the Incarnation, the crucifixion, and the Resurrection. Therefore, it can be said that there are two distinct readings of the Gospel in the view of the Christians and the Muslims. Explaining both the views, the present essay fortifies the Koranic perspective by virtue of historical and Christian sources.



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