Future Contingency and Determinism of Truth in the Future Propositions

Document Type : Research Paper



In his peri ermenias, Aristotle has discussed the determinism of truth in the future propositions, which is among the most disputable subjects. Numerating incorrect consequences of determinism of truth or falsity of a proposition like “Marine battle will occur in the straits tomorrow”, he proves a kind of indeterminism and contingency, which is called Future Contingency, concerning future events while past or present events are lacking in it. Philosophical dispute about future contingency has entered into Islamic philosophy meanwhile it has been raised some epistemological, ontological, logical and theological points worthy of attention. Presenting an analytical report and a critical evaluation of the viewpoints of prominent philosophers such as Aristotle, Fārābī, Khāja Nasīr al-Dīn Tūsī, Mūllā Sadrā, and Mūllā Sabzavārī as well as two contemporary philosophers, the present essay attempts to firstly give an outline of the historical development of the subject, secondly numerate strengths and weaknesses of the various viewpoints, and thirdly defend its own viewpoint.


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