The semantics of the divine attributes of Mulla Sadra's view

Document Type : Research Paper



In this article we have tried to view one of the greatest Muslim philosophers divine attributes expressed semantic analysis. Mulla Sadra, based on its principles of existence, doubt, however, share the spiritual meaning of existence and concluded that all the neAll positive attributes, although conceptually distinct, according to the same case and all of them are referred to the existence and intensity and perfection. Mulla Sadra believes that in addition to the concept, other notions of perfection of knowledge, power, life, and so also does the same (= the subscription spiritual way) shall apply on creator and creation, between creator and creation, so that there is no gative attributes of God, the truth is stripped away and all of them denied the possibility of returning to GodCreator and created something real difference and distinction, and the applicable dates. Sadra tries to present the theory of "doubt" Ksrthay instance compatible with the concept of unity, the unity of thought on the meaning and justification in the example of the plurality of gradation. Moreover, Mulla Sadra's view, a reference to the view of Hakim Sabzevari and Allameh Tabatabai as well
