Mulla Sadra initiatives and some late philosophers in solving the riddle of recognition

Document Type : Research Paper



It has been one of the most important philosophical questions about knowledge of how knowledge is possible, which has long been noted and philosophers have proposed different solutions. There is also talk of Muslim philosophers have tried to define the mental representation of the true nature of the object or the object in the document, how to match perception with the object perceived, explainFinally, in these efforts with regard to the acquisition of Sadra object in mind, not the essence of truth and apply it, not the person carrying it and a separation between the first and common carriers, to solve the riddle and respond to relevant deals. In addition, other efforts by some contemporary philosophers on the basis of abstract philosophical concepts of personal reflectionNatural events and the formation of the first cases of the concepts, such as has been done and that the truth of the case is certain and what is achieved with the principles and criteria of the value of the logical and therefore, the truth of the firm
