The Process of Meaning-seeking of Life and Its Role in Making a Faithful Social Life, from the View of Islamic World View

Document Type : Research Paper


1 . MA of sociology of Shias, Qom University

2 Associate professor of philosophy and theology department, Qom University


Explanation of the nature and model of relationships between individual and society is a fundamental issue in social sciences, with a long history. In the light of the present research, the researcher wishes to explain how actor should adopt "a faithful approach to social life, in the light of the process of discovering real meaning of life" and obtain and provide a proper model for the relationships between individual and society from the view of Islamic worldview. To this end, this research is divided into two parts. First, it develops a conceptual framework for the issue in order to achieve a clear operational concept of the research topic. Then it explains the "process" of meaning-seeking of life and its role in making a faithful social life. Finally, it theoretically and practically provides necessary strategies to relieve man from such continuous questions as "how to live in this worldly life while it is mortal" and "how to adopt a faithful approach to social life", considering the fact that the existence of the process of meaning-seeking in man is approved, he is in the domain of "a meaningful life" and conforms to teachings and their consequences. This fact proves the necessity of a meaningful life based on revealed knowledge


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