One of thekeyissuesin the philosophy oftheUnionis provinga wiseandreasonableanddo notprove that ithas afundamental rolein somephilosophical issues.From long ago,evenbeforeIslamandthisconcernscholarsoffereddifferent views onit.Theview ofthe head of theperipateticphilosophersin the Islamic worldis not clearHeon the other hand,inhealingand gesturesclearlyand decisivelyagainst ithas,andon the other hand,thebookoffersa briefand detailedsourceandresurrectionarebiasedtheory ofrationalandreasonabledefensealliance,itproves.effortwiththe help ofevidencepartlybe answered
Zabihi, M. (2000). Give wise and reasonable from the perspective of Ibn Sina. Journal of Philosophical Theological Research, 2(5-6), 21-33. doi: 10.22091/pfk.2000.452
moohamad Zabihi. "Give wise and reasonable from the perspective of Ibn Sina". Journal of Philosophical Theological Research, 2, 5-6, 2000, 21-33. doi: 10.22091/pfk.2000.452
Zabihi, M. (2000). 'Give wise and reasonable from the perspective of Ibn Sina', Journal of Philosophical Theological Research, 2(5-6), pp. 21-33. doi: 10.22091/pfk.2000.452
Zabihi, M. Give wise and reasonable from the perspective of Ibn Sina. Journal of Philosophical Theological Research, 2000; 2(5-6): 21-33. doi: 10.22091/pfk.2000.452
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