What Is Comparative Philosophy?

Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant professor of philosophy department, Qom University


Comparative philosophy is not a review of philosophers' standpoints on one or more philosophical issues or among different philosophical schools. Most of the works on comparative philosophy lead to a review and explanation of similarities and contradictions or differences and commonalities of different philosophies on the issue. Generally, a comparative research has three conditions: 1) two philosophies which are different in terms of principles should be compared; 2) the common language of these two philosophies should be found in order to understand their principles; 3) having understood their foundations and principles, their aims should be understood. Therefore, comparative philosophy is not the history of philosophy in which all views of philosophers are narrated and possibly compared briefly. If a researcher does not begin and deal with the foundations and principles of philosophies, his comparison is superficial. So, comparative philosophy means comparing a philosophy as whole with another philosophy or even with the history of philosophy. Therefore, comparative philosophy is possible through a same language and dialogue among philosophers and their philosophies.


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