Mu'tazilite Qadi Abdul Jabbar's View on Prayer

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant professor of department of Islamic philosophy and theology, Isfahan University

2 MA student of Islamic theology, Isfahan University


Qadi Abdul Jabbar Hamedani regards the followings as the conditions for prayer (du'a): having will, knowing the status of whom we are presenting our request, having no corrupt intentions in what is requested and being humble and submissive while praying. In his Mu'tazilite view, the philosophy of prayer is that it is a kind of grace (luṭf) as Allah orders us to pray and He never orders to evil. Prayer has different types including praying for others, cursing, praying for the believers, sinful people and the infidels, praying for good or evil and praying for the dead. According to Qadi Abdul Jabbar, praying for the dead is ineffective. Praying is sometimes obligatory. This obligation is either in terms of the object of prayer or the one who prays. Praying and requesting sustenance is effective because intellect and sacred law regard it as good and requesting good is good.


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