The present paper deals with two main points: 1- depicting the big challenge between physics (nature) and metaphysics in Plato and Aristotle's works, who are the founders of philosophy and theosophy in Greece; 2- reconstructing and remedying this defect by using the teachings of transcendent theosophy and providing a satisfactory and reasonable explanation of the strong relationship between physics and metaphysics in Mulla Sadra's thoughts. The grounds and contexts which can contribute to explain and analyze the relationship between physics and metaphysics by taking into consideration the principles of Sadrian theosophy are organized into "five principles" in this paper. Ahmad Ahmadi, Zia'gol Rezaii
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ahmadi, A., & rezaei, Z. (2013). The Relationship between Physics (Nature) and Metaphysics in Transcendent Theosophy. Journal of Philosophical Theological Research, 14(55-56), 5-28. doi: 10.22091/pfk.2013.57
ahmad ahmadi; ziyaghol rezaei. "The Relationship between Physics (Nature) and Metaphysics in Transcendent Theosophy". Journal of Philosophical Theological Research, 14, 55-56, 2013, 5-28. doi: 10.22091/pfk.2013.57
ahmadi, A., rezaei, Z. (2013). 'The Relationship between Physics (Nature) and Metaphysics in Transcendent Theosophy', Journal of Philosophical Theological Research, 14(55-56), pp. 5-28. doi: 10.22091/pfk.2013.57
ahmadi, A., rezaei, Z. The Relationship between Physics (Nature) and Metaphysics in Transcendent Theosophy. Journal of Philosophical Theological Research, 2013; 14(55-56): 5-28. doi: 10.22091/pfk.2013.57
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