Sadrian Contemplations; Mulla Sadra's Heideggerian and Existentialistic Potentialities

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant professor of department of Islamic sciences and theology, Firdausi University of Mashhad

2 MA of Islamic theology and philosophy, Al-Mustafa international University, Mashhad


A comparative look at two philosophers philosophized in two different traditions is a very difficult task and thus requires deep contemplation and great attention, particularly when they are Mulla Sadra and Heidegger and the former's final end of philosophy is metaphysics and that of the latter is to reject it. Fortunately, however, both of them put emphasis on existence, which makes it somewhat easier to compare them and gives us the motivation and more hope to endeavor in this regard. Although there are fundamental differences between these two genius philosophers' view on the issue of existence, we can find some similarities in their thoughts, which we call them "Mulla Sadra's Heideggerian potentialities". The present paper seeks to show these similarities through six meditations: 1) meditation on the denial of conceptual knowledge in the thoughts of these two philosophers; 2) meditation on the denial of the duality of subject and object; 3) meditation on the existential analysis of the truth and denial of its traditional and correspondent concept;  4) meditation on the existential analysis of human being; 5) meditation on the concealment of Being and how it explores; and 6) meditation on “being-towards-death” as a fundamental aspect of human being in the thoughts of these two philosophers.


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