Contemplations on the Theory of Bodily Resurrection in Aqa Ali Modarres's View

Document Type : Research Paper


Mulla Sadra, Aqa Ali Tehrani, bodily resurrection, self-knowledge, the relationship between soul and body


One of controversial issues among theological and philosophical problems is the explanation of the quality of "bodily resurrection".  Some scholars believe that its quality is restricted to elemental bodily resurrection and others have left it to imitation. However, transcendent philosophy, with its dispositional principles, seeks to explain the quality of bodily resurrection. Aqa Ali Modarres tries to provide an innovative explanation for the quality of bodily resurrection without any change in Sadrian principles, which would be another logical conclusion against Sadra's one from the same principles. He rejects elemental resurrection of the body and the return of soul to this worldly body, and does not define the body as subject to soul's creativity in hereafter. Rather, he believes that this worldly body traverses toward perfection and unity with soul under its influence after death. The success of his theory owes to removing ambiguities and objections which are logically directed to the theory. These contemplations can be restated on the basis of two points: the relationship between body and soul, and purposefulness of evolutionary movement of soul and body. Although Aqa Ali puts emphasis on the composition by way of unification of soul and body and other Sadrian principles in elaborating on their relationship in this world, he bases conclusions different from Sadra's ones in resurrection on this relationship. In terms of the dichotomy of purposefulness of body and purposefulness of soul, his explanation focuses on the fact that body with its worldly characteristic unites with soul, as its final end in resurrection. Using this explanation, he tries to show the distinction between his theory and that of Sadra and formalists who believe in elemental resurrection. An explanation whose the both sides are thought provoking.


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