A Review and Criticism of Imam Khomeini's View about the Narrations of Tinat (Nature or Inborn Disposition)

Document Type : Research Paper


PhD student of Imamiyyah theology, Tehran University


  Shi’a collections of hadith include narrations according to which there are two types of tinat (nature or inborn disposition) called "'elliyyin (the most exalted)" and "sijjin (the lowest depth)" or "jannat (paradise)" and "nar (hellfire)." Believers in God and the followers of the Holy Prophet's household have been created from the former while disbelievers and the enemies of the Holy Prophet's household have been created from the latter. Thus, the first group will finally go to paradise because of that good Tinat while the second group will end up in hellfire as a result of their wicked Tinat. Such numerous narrations have caused some doubts including their contradiction with free will, Divine justice and grace. Shi’a scholars of hadith and theology have proposed different views to resolve this contradiction. Citing some of these narrations, the present paper briefly refers to the views of early Shi’a scholars. Then among contemporary scholars, it explains, reviews and criticizes Imam Khomeini's view in detail. 


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