A Review of Infallible Imams' Knowledge of the Unseen in the Theological School of Allamah Tabatabaii and His Disciples

Document Type : Research Paper


1 MA graduate of teaching Islamic theology and sciences, University of Islamic sciences, corresponding author

2 PhD student of teaching Islamic sciences, University of Islamic sciences

3 Associate professor of department of science of the Quran and hadith, Qom University


  One of the main questions about infallible Imams' knowledge of the unseen is "whether this knowledge is absolute and limited or not?" The important point is that Quranic verses and hadiths apparently offer different interpretations. The present paper discusses the issue according to denotation of Quranic verses and hadiths and from the theological viewpoint of Allamah Tabatabaii and his disciples. The unseen has stages and degrees such as hidden from senses like past and future, knowledge of the Book, God-given knowledge, knowledge of the Tablet of obliteration and effacement, guarded Tablet, sciences particular to God such as the time of resurrection, and knowledge of essence about essence. There are two types of reason for the knowledge of the unseen: Rational and philosophical reasons which are based on the perfection and power of the soul to attach to the supreme origin and transmitted reasons some of which generally prove the knowledge of the unseen only for God and others prove it for prophets and friends of God under certain conditions. Some solutions have been proposed to sum up these two views, including division of knowledge into independent and dependent knowledge, guarded Tablet and Tablet of obliteration and effacement, differentiating the meanings of the unseen and so forth.


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