Heidegger's Critique of Theoretical Foundations of the Great Pyramid of Being

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD student of comparative philosophy, Allamah Tabatabaii University

2 Associate professor of department of philosophy, Allamah Tabatabaii University,


Each traditional perceptions of the great pyramid of being has been in some way disappeared and waned during modern period of western thought, especially after 18th century, which caused this ontological foundation of pre-modern thought to be forgotten, neglected or denied. Among the refutations and denials related to the great pyramid of being, Martin Heidegger's fundamental critique of this kind of perception of being and its stages has a great difference with other critics' approach. Contrary to most critics of the great pyramid of being, who principally regarded its traditional expositions as unacceptable on the basis of a topical critique, Heidegger generally regarded this kind of perception of being as incorrect and incomplete because it provided the ground for forgetting the question of meaning and reality of being. According to Heidegger, considering being as a foundation, which is one of most basic theoretical foundations of many scholastic expositions of great pyramid of being, negates confronting with reality of being as unhidden essence. In these expositions, the first origin replaces the question of meaning and reality of being in the position of a reality in which being and essence overlap. In addition, neglecting ontological distinction in philosophical expositions of great pyramid of being, theological nature of these expositions, basing most of them on the system of Aristotelian categories and representational epistemology, and providing an incomplete and unauthentic profile of man in most of these expositions are among the Heidegger's most important critiques of traditional and modern perceptions of great pyramid of being.        



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