Oral or written presentation of religious principles of faith is an old tradition among Muslims. The aim of these letters of beliefs is to preserve and transfer the basic and common principles of every sect. However, they include some of the writer or narrator's personal views and beliefs which should not be confused with those common principles. The issues and discussions presented by a writer in his/her treatise show not only the basis of his religion but also his way of thinking, insight, nature and character. The present paper elaborate on, analyzes and compares Sheikh Baha'i' and Majlesi's letters of beliefs. In his treatise, Majlesi is more concerned with recommendation and prescription, and his imperative language likens his treatise to jurists' practical treatises. In contrast, Sheikh Baha'i' absolutely describes and explains his views and does not criticize or anathematizes the opponents. He allocates two third of his treatise to the explanation of practical issues of Islam, but Majlesi allocates most of his treatise to the explanation of the principles of faith and considers the explanation of preliminaries of acts and moral recommendations sufficient in terms of acts.
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Rahimpoor, F. A. (2013). An Account, Comparison and Analysis of Two Letters of Beliefs. Journal of Philosophical Theological Research, 14(55-56), 249-276. doi: 10.22091/pfk.2013.68
Furough Al-Sadat Rahimpoor. "An Account, Comparison and Analysis of Two Letters of Beliefs". Journal of Philosophical Theological Research, 14, 55-56, 2013, 249-276. doi: 10.22091/pfk.2013.68
Rahimpoor, F. A. (2013). 'An Account, Comparison and Analysis of Two Letters of Beliefs', Journal of Philosophical Theological Research, 14(55-56), pp. 249-276. doi: 10.22091/pfk.2013.68
Rahimpoor, F. A. An Account, Comparison and Analysis of Two Letters of Beliefs. Journal of Philosophical Theological Research, 2013; 14(55-56): 249-276. doi: 10.22091/pfk.2013.68
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