The Traditions of "Tinat (Substance)" and Man's Free Will

Document Type : Research Paper


1 MA student of philosophy and theology, Farabi Campus of Tehran University, corresponding author

2 Assistant professor of department of philosophy and theology, Farabi campus of Tehran University


According to some traditions in Shia’s hadith collections, man's substance or the very clay from which he is created, called "Tinat" in Shia texts, has a fundamental role in his happiness and misery, or becoming a believer or nonbeliever. According to the traditions, God has created the believers from pleasant and good quality clay called "Tinat Ellyeen (most lofty substance)" and nonbelievers from unpleasant clay called "Tinat Sijjin (the lowest depth)". Arguably, these traditions with such interpretations are contrary to man's free will and thus to divine justice. Therefore, different scholars have greatly tried to resolve this contradiction and proposed different solutions. The present paper recounts, reviews and criticizes these solutions and finally proposes a new solution and approach to interpret and explicate these traditions. 


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