The Differentiation between Pearl and Shell of Religion as a Prelude toward Religious Pluralism: Assessing Sayyid Heidar Āmulī

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD Student of Kalām (Philosophy of Religion and Modern Kalāmi Problems), University of Qom

2 Associate Professor, Imam Khomeini Educational and Research Institute


Differentiating between the pearl and shell of religion can properly be recognized as a fundamental issue from which a vast number of pluralists have benefited so as to make robust bedrock of their own pluralistic theories while validating it in regard to Muslim Sufis. As one of forerunners of Islamic Sufism, Sayyid Heidar Āmulī has given a peculiar significance to the differentiation because he, as his main ideal, seeks for reconciliation of Imāmia Shi'ites and true Sufis, and finds the key to this theoretical objective to lie in the classification of divine sciences and religious duties. Hence, most of his works have been written to provide explanation for the pearl of religion in which one can find some notable phrases such as "surface and interior of religion" and "exoteric path (sharī'a), esoteric path (tarīqa), truth (haqīqa)". Nonetheless, Sayyid both directly and indirectly denies intra- and extra-religious pluralism. To evaluate the dimensions of the pearl and shell of religion in his view as well as the question of how to differentiate between them is the main concentration of this article; this article obviously portrays the fact that contending for the differentiation does necessarily not point towards arguing for pluralism.


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