A Comparative Analysis of Four Explanatory Models to Justify the Language of Mysticism

Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant professor of University of Qom


There are four different models to explain the language of mysticism and its effability: (1) the model of memory (stating the experience of intuition); (2) the model of intuitive intellect; (3) the model of anthropomorphism; and (4) the model of manifestation. The first model negates explaining while intuiting, but states that explaining the experience of intuition is possible after the intuition because it is possible to classify and conceptualize it. By accepting a function of intellect called intuition, the second model states that intellect functioning as heart and intellectual intuition in the context of intuition by heart is possible, which results in the direct involvement of intellectual explanation. The third model states that "effability" of mysticism means explaining the reality of existence (individual unity) through words and concepts, and illusion whose function is image-making is in charge of anthropomorphism and assisted by intellectual purification, which results in understanding anthropomorphizing while purifying. The forth model states that explanation is the very manifestation of divine names in the form of words (manifestation of the name of names) and since the divine names are themselves the manifestation of Truth, explanation or the name of name is the manifestation of divine essence and its explanation. By comparing these models and reviewing their merits and demerits, it can be said that possible effability is justified and is an intellectual method.


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