The Benefits of Separating Essential Possibility from Existential Possibility in Transcendent Philosophy

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor and Faculty Member of Department of Philosophy, Allamah Tabatabaii University

2 Corresponding Author, PhD Student of Islamic Philosophy and Theology, Allamah Tabatabaii University


Mullah Sadra was the first philosopher who separated essential possibility from existential possibility in philosophy. He did not propose such separation in logic because logic is needless of it. Based on this separation, he founded the philosophical system of transcendent philosophy which completes peripatetic philosophy. Essential possibility means negation of necessity through negation and affirmation, that is, negation of necessity of existence and non-existence which is the very special possibility. Existential possibility means pure connection and attachment of the caused, such that it has no independent essence and existence. Invalidating essential possibility and proposing a new delineation for the issue of tripartite division of existence, substituting existential poverty for essential possibility in the criterion of  dependence of the effect on the cause and revision of the principle of causality, completing and transcending the proof of the righteous to prove the existence of God centered around the creatures' indigence possibility, and attributing the evils to the existential deficiency of the contingent entities and purifying the essence of God from them are among the important benefits of this separation in transcendent philosophy. 


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