Spiritual Intelligence: Its Components and Foundations in Transcendent Philosophy

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD, Transcendent Philosophy, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad

2 Professor of Department of Philosophy, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad


Spiritual intelligence has been of interest to psychologists in recent years. The loss of life and a sense of despair and frustration in people living in the age of technology have led psychologists to identify instrument useful for people that is known as spiritual or existential intelligence, which is regarded to be the highest IQ and the strongest type of an individuals’s adaptation to the environment. The spirituality is one of the important pillars of Mulla Sadra's philosophy and although spiritual intelligence has not been used in transcendental philosophy, this important construct, its features and components, principles, main structure and growth barriers can be inferred from Mulla Sadra’s viewpoints. This study shows that with regard to Mulla Sadra’s doctrine, spiritual intelligence construct can be embedded in a more realistic and effective form. Therefore, every human being can not only become closer to the criteria that psychologists set for a healthy person but also approach to their truth that is becoming a perfect man


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