Epistemic Authority of the Qur'an According to Nasr Hamid Abu Zayd; a Cultural-Literary Approach

Document Type : Research Paper



Nasr Hamid Abu Zayd, the contentious Egyptian thinker, has proposed different ideas about the revelation and the Qur'an and encountered with different reactions. He made endeavor to provide some natural and non metaphysical explanations for the Islamic phenomena. In this regard he went through the miraculous feature of the Qur'an differently and reduced it to a cultural-literary phenomenon that everyone who knows Arabic takes it as a fundamental cultural text. Analyzing the literature and the linguistic mechanism of the Qur'an from the viewpoint of the current literary criticism will show its role in the creation of history and culture. This view is radically different from the viewpoint of faithful people because it reduces the religious attitude to a cultural atmosphere in which the Qur'an is like the other masterpieces which may be literary criticized.  The content of the Qur'an, in this kind of criticism, is ignored while in the current literary criticism the content is heeded too.


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