The Flourishing of Monotheistic Knowledge of the Pre-Birth World ('Ālam al-Dhar) on the Basis of Islamic Narrations

Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor, Department of Islamic Sciences, University of Maragheh


Our knowledge of God the Almighty finds its root in the pre-birth world ('ālam al-dhar), and both Quranic verses along with Islamic narrations speak certainly of an intuitive knowledge of God we have acquired from the pre-birth world; such an intuitive knowledge is stabilized within us human beings once we have taken stride in this world. However, the significant point to raise here is the fact that human beings have sunk into oblivion such a great event with regard to the monotheistic knowledge of the pre-birth world: this innate knowledge can be disclosed in two situations of a) severe misfortunes and b) coming-closer death. Moreover, the knowledge can be flourished/remembered when one decides freely to chase the divine messengers' reminder through which one can remember the very divine intuition, and can find the truth of innate monotheistic knowledge within oneself. In order to explain how to reveal the monotheistic knowledge of the pre-birth world, the first step is to shed light of inquiry on such subject-matters as the innate knowledge of the pre-birth world in Quran and Islamic narrations, consolidation of the monotheistic knowledge in the pre-birth world, oblivion of the event of the pre-birth world, necessity of the knowledge of the pre-birth world thereupon this article proceeds with the question of how to explain flourishing of the monotheistic knowledge in the pre-birth world in the two situations of coercion and freedom in light of the Quranic verses and Islamic narrations.


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