Review and Explanation of "Meta-Propositional Revelation" Approach, According to Transcendent Theosophy

Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor of Ferdowsi University of Mashhad


The study of propositional and non-propositional approaches about revelation is one of the important issues in its explanation. Among the existing approaches, Mulla Sadra's approach is particularly significant because it takes account both the propositional and non- propositional aspects of revelation. This approach is very important compared with other approaches that have only considered one aspect of revelation. In Christian theology, there are two general propositional and non-propositional approaches to the explanation of revelation. According to the first approach, the revelation is a set of awareness-creating propositions about God. According to second approach, however, revelation is regarded as God’s act through which He reveals Himself. The contradiction and conflict between these approaches and the critiques made of each indicate the necessity of a new approach toward the explanation of revelation, not found in Christian theology. The present paper seeks to prove that Mulla Sadra’s approach is a new one in which both the propositional and non-propositional aspects of revelation have been taken into consideration. This approach can be considered as the approach of "meta-propositional revelation" because it is based on the principles of ontology, epistemology, anthropology and linguistics, and relates propositional and non-propositional aspects.



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