Keywords = ontology
A critical evaluation of Schellenberg’s divine hiddenness argument based on Avicenna’s ontological and epistemological foundations

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 10 December 2024


Yaser Hashemi; Ahmad Valiee; Mohammad Javad Asghari

Avicenna and the logic of religious understanding

Volume 21, Issue 2, June 2019, Pages 51-71


Mohammad Nasr Esfahani; Jafar Shanazari; Seyed Mehdi Emam Jomeh

Ontology of Vacuum

Volume 15, Issue 1, November 2013, Pages 103-120


Ahmad Hakim

Gnostic Ontology

Volume 8, Issue 2, February 2007, Pages 89-115


Zakariyya Bahārnezhād

Hermeneutics, Its Backgrounds and Developments

Volume 7, Issue 26, February 2006, Pages 141-156


Sayyid Muhammad Mūsavi