A New argumentation about the Life after Death

Document Type : Research Paper


Associate professor of department of philosophy, Mufid University divani.mofiduni@gmail.com


Man seeks life by his will and due to the nature of his consciousness, thinks about it, protects it, and escapes anything against it. Death, especially when it is regarded as the absolute end of life, becomes more horrible than anything else. Although uncomfortable events occur in man's life, the resulting dissatisfaction is not extended to the life itself, and he thinks about the life without such events. The principle of believing in life, its endurance, and eternity is assuredly based on the message of God's prophets. Among scholars, philosophers have also offered arguments for the principle of the life after death. Among the strong arguments for the life after death, the best and superior one is the one that, in addition to being strong, can be accepted quickly and deeply by human general intellect. The present paper seeks to provide such an argument for the life after death, which is based on nothing but contemplation and deliberation, and is available to all.


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