A Critical Study of View of Qadi Saeid Qumi’s View on the Negation of the Attribution of Names and Qualities to the Essence of God

Document Type : Research Paper



Qadi Saeid Qumi is one of the few shiite thinkers that strictly disagrees to god's essence qualification to Names and Qualities; and in this way, tends towards God's pure transcendence. He interprets his assertion by emphasis on heterogeneousness between God and creatures and negation of any cognation between them and by a linguist and conventional inference of Name and Quality meaning.
This theosophical mystic has counted his own point of view in requirement of follow in divine prophets and Hadiths and transmissions of impeccable Imams and has affirmed that, by many rational and scriptural proofs.
In his view, intelligent, scholars, divine prophets and impeccable’s having attributed qualities to God in expediency of common peoples, but God is transcendentalist of any Qualities in fact itself.
In this article, We have researched and interpreted, in critical approach, point of view of Qadi Saeid Qumi in negation of Names and Qualities of God's essence, and have indicated, this point of view, not only disagree to intellect but also inconsistent with scriptural.


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