The Journal of Philosophical Theological Research (JPTR) is an Open- Access double-blind peer-reviewed Academic quarterly journal that publishes original research, written analytically in various philosophical areas such as Philosophy of Mind, Philosophy of Religion, Epistemology, Philosophy of Action, Ethics, Metaphysics, Philosophy of Language, and Philosophy of Science.
The Journal of Philosophical Theological Research is committed to publishing and widely disseminating high-quality content. Our policies are closely aligned with COPE’s (Committee on Publication Ethics) Core Practices document.
Pages 5-26
Mostafa Taqavi; Maryam Poostforush
Pages 27-54
Keyvan Alasti
Pages 55-82
Mahmoud Mokhtari
Pages 83-108
Seyyed Mohammad Hoseini Souraki
Pages 135-164
Hamed Bikaraan-Behesht